My course aims to be informative, fun and relaxed. The weeks are structured but still allow for conversation and discussion based on your own experience, so every course will be unique to the people attending it.
The course consists of 6 weekly classes which take place at the same day and time each week, then a reunion class which will take place when the babies are around 3 months old. Classes typically last around 2 hours including a 15 minute break. There will be time during and after class to ask questions and discuss how you are feeling. The course is aimed at groups of people due the same month, if you are struggling to book online, please email me.
Classes will take place over zoom and will cover everything you need to know about late pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. Although it is impossible to cover every eventuality, I aim to make my course one of the most informative ones available; covering the standard aspects of NHS antenatal classes, e.g. late pregnancy symptoms, labour, birth, feeding and how to care for a baby in the early days, basic first aid, how to spot signs that your baby is unwell and who to contact if you are concerned about your own physical or mental health.
There are 5 couple spaces on each course, do the course alone or with your partner or birth partner. There will be elements directed towards partners and their role so it will be beneficial for you both. Classes include a mixture of taught information, quizzes and activities as well as using visual aids, photos and videos. The classes are designed to be relaxed so you feel comfortable getting to know the other couples and asking questions.
Before the classes begin you will be added to a WhatsApp group specific to your course which I will use to send out information before and after class and get to know you better. Prior to your first class you will receive a welcome pack through the post which will include details of the course content, useful information and gifts.
I absolutely love delivering these classes, getting to know people, learning about your family and seeing new life welcomed into the world, I hope you find these classes as fun as I do!